
Miembro desde ‎jun 3, 2021
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Alan Tse

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Abril 16, 2024
Hey all - you can try out this app integration "Tick Tock Today" that simply puts today's date on an object of your choosing: más
Junio 19, 2023
We need this!
ATse en Junio 19, 2023
We need count of calls on our deal records. It's unfortunate that this will not work on a company level because a lot of times we call on the company phone number. It's unfortunate that you need some kind of call extension application for this to Leer más
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0 Respuestas
May 25, 2023
Activity based workflows would help solve this too:
May 25, 2023
YES! Activity-based workflows would be great. This would work well for lots of use cases and solve this issue I have for reporting: https://commun...Leer más
ATse en May 23, 2023
This is a 2 part idea but can lead to the same solution to the problem. Currently, we cannot show averages of activity count by deal in a custom report. If we put together a report with data sources from deals and activities, we could see the tota Leer más
2 Me gusta
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