
Member since ‎Jun 2, 2021
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Stuart Boylan

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SBoylan on May 19, 2022
I've just discovered - even though it doesn't appear to be explicitly explained anywhere - that only Contact lists are usable in campaigns. Please enable the possibility to use Company-based lists as well. What's the use case? Well, we're B2B. C read more
KNault on July 08, 2021
On the ticket object, it would be helpful if there was functionality that automatically identified any potential duplicate tickets. This would avoid multiple people working on the same request. We previously used Sales Force and an app by Internet read more
10 Replies
April 20, 2022
Hi everyone, we use one workaround that helps us to identify some duplicates. In the case where a form submission generates the ticket, we reply and more
SBoylan on April 20, 2022
Hi everyone, currently we aren't able to access snippets in the subject line of an email composed in HubSpot. We like to include the name of the company to whom we're writing in our subject line; this is of great help down the road for bot read more
2 Replies
SBoylan on January 07, 2022
[please note this is SIMILAR to but is still distinct: I am referring to the custom report builder, the other request is for read more
1 Reply
cfleishman on August 31, 2017
Need to be able to clone an individual deal. This is helpful for recurring revenue organizations and building MRR. Please! Update from @JoeMayall : Due to a technical error on HubSpot’s end, this thread has an inflated upvote count. As of read more
576 Replies
December 16, 2021
Look HubSpot - this request is old. Cloning functionality is old, we're not asking for a brand-new technical challenge to be solved. What priorities more
Patrick_R on October 09, 2020
I am looking for a possibility to realise a multi-year deal with different prices per year. 3 Years Contract with the same price 29880 per Year for 36 Months TCV ist korrekt and I expect in Annual Subtotal 29880 Now, I configure 3 di read more
24 Replies
December 16, 2021
This is causing me significant pain as well. I cannot understand why the ACV calculation is simply adding the line items and ignoring the dates. more
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