
Member since ‎Oct 20, 2017
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nriley on April 12, 2017
Migrated from legacy ideas forum with 146 votes. I'd love to see 2 way synch to google contacts as an option. Many apps use google contacts. For example, Evernote app has a business card scan function. Take a picture of a business card and it ca read more
April 30, 2020
The idea was only posted 3 years ago guys. They need more time 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
dleitch on April 25, 2018
When setting up products in Product Library one of the configurable options is "Term Length". This is great except your Product Team only thought to allow two options - Month or Year. What about all of the companies in the world that sell service read more
37 Replies
April 30, 2020
You should see the thread about syncing contacts with Google. That has hundreds of likes and has been at the top for years. They do intentionally more
hubspotlove on July 15, 2019
Hi guys, Of course product updates and improvements are always welcome, but aesthetics are often opinion-based. Today you updated the QUOTE template, but instead of Adding a new template, you Deleted and replaced the one I liked. Some might say read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
hubspotlove on May 24, 2019
Currently.... When creating a draft, there's a chance that you'll type it all up nice and neat, click create, and then receive a Red Error Box that says something didn't work or whatever, and basically you have nothing but wasted time. Instead, Hu read more
1 upvote
1 Reply
dleitch on April 25, 2018
When setting up products in Product Library one of the configurable options is "Term Length". This is great except your Product Team only thought to allow two options - Month or Year. What about all of the companies in the world that sell service read more
37 Replies
April 30, 2020
You should see the thread about syncing contacts with Google. That has hundreds of likes and has been at the top for years. They do intentionally more
Levyn on October 20, 2017
I find it strange that I can pin 'notes' on a contact or deal, but I can't do that with a call. Often I make a call and write down what we discussed for later. If I want to pin this information I have to copy it to a note and then pin it... Why can' read more
February 07, 2019
Calls are just notes with extra data 😛 Let us pin them like notes please! 😄
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