
Member since ‎May 27, 2021
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Jim Blackburn

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JBlackburn on August 31, 2021
you have these dates.. Why isn there an Date Emal Sent. so that leaves "last activity date" which is NOT updating when i send an email plesae a last email sent date
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JBlackburn on August 30, 2021
i need t see "Date that sequence is scheduled" its not a feature. There is only the "sequence last enrolled date" it would currently show the date the contact was enrolled into a sequence
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August 26, 2021
Interested in beta thanks
August 23, 2021
I want to complain that my coolumn widths in my contacts view will not stay how i set them. Every time i go back to the view, the columns are more
JBlackburn on August 09, 2021
I created my custom lead status names. I wuld like an autoamted date and/or time column that is tied to that field Lead Status so when ever that status changes, the date and time is updatd. This way I can see the date and sort my list for p read more
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JBlackburn on July 14, 2021
From my Deals View I see Deal Name and small "preview Icon" that pups up in 1/8 rectangle o right side of screen vertically allowing me to change Deal Stage. I need to write a note -- for example "on vacation in Hilton Head SC, back next w read more
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