
Member since ‎May 26, 2021
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Zach Gilbert

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lildobber13 on July 18, 2023
It would be great if there is a third option when adding images to activities, calls, notes, etc. and that would be ability to add GIFs from Giphy. It may seem like a low priority; however, Giphy/GIFs help with user adoption, and increases engagemen read more
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AnnaDudley on June 30, 2022
I wuld suggest allowing users to archive or put campaigns on hold. Sometimes things change but we don't want to delete completely everything that we did.
5 Replies
June 14, 2023
This would be extremely helpful. Being able to even organize them in folders would be helpful as well.
MarianaG on September 09, 2021
it would be great to be able to add logic to survey questions in Hubspot. Creating a custom survey is great but we should be able to include conditional fields
135 Replies
September 27, 2022
This is absolutely necessary. I would love to provide smart surveys, in an effort to keep them as succint as possible, and not overwhelm my contacts more
JorieMunroe on July 11, 2021
Deciding to create a web presence is a big decision, but the best websites are a culmination of many small decisions. Choosing the right content management system and web host, opting for a template, refining your content, and selecting the best la read more
113 Replies
May 09, 2022
I am a big fan of these websites: The design is simple, they gained a large audience through a Hustle more
lildobber13 on April 07, 2022
We absolutely love the Manage Duplicate function in the Contacts > Contacts section. However, it would be great if HubSpot had an activity or an alert on the individual contact record where it says it thinks this contact could be a duplicate, wit read more
lildobber13 on March 17, 2022
I know the DocuSign Integration is available for HubSpot and overall it works well; however, there is no way to add Custom Fields. We have a contract 99% complete; however, one field that is not available is Contact Phone Number, which seems like a read more
March 20, 2022
Great note! I have added it here for anyone interested in upvoting this! more
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