
Member since ‎May 26, 2021
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Kevin Johnson

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scooterlang on May 04, 2019
As a salesperson, I need to be able to track when a quote is viewed, and clicked on so that I can more astutely engage with the customer who the opportunity is with. Putting on my product manager hat, I would suggest that HubSpot Sales users are read more
54 Replies
June 01, 2023
We really need to see some level of activity ion the deal or such within HubSpot. It makes no sense that this is not already in production.
Amy_Brierley on May 13, 2022
I would love to give sales managers access to create templates for their team, however i don't want to give them super admin permissions for our whole account! Please amend the permissions functionality to allow this.
March 30, 2023
I can not agree with this idea more than I do. The permissions system in Hubspot has to many examples of this.
picasevengroup on December 14, 2021
I started the Digital Marketing Course and in the end of the first video, it says to download the check list for the learning parth curriculum in "resources". when I go to that section, notting is there? Can someone help me find this digital mar read more
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3 Replies
April 27, 2022
Hi, it is now April and this class still says use the Resources tab. That tab is blank still. Thanks Kevin
jmoss on November 12, 2019
I would like to be able to use a form submission to auto-generate a quote. It's currently possible to use a workflow to create a deal, but I'd like to be able to go a step further and have the workflow create a deal and quote simultaneously.
122 Replies
September 24, 2021
We would love to have this.
Coupland on November 19, 2019
We currently use the Team/Group option for allowing our prospects to schedule sales demos with multiple internal employees. Often there is an external party (not an employee or HubSpot user) we would like to include in the meeting or our prospects w read more
105 Replies
July 30, 2021
Hi, Let me be clear, I would love to have this feature. It is a feature that is available in EVERY other product, so it seems bad that not only more
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