
Member since ‎May 25, 2021
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mdrnd on October 27, 2022
Hi there, Trying to create a workflow to send a follow up email if first marketing email hasn't been opened in a certain time frame. I know that we can create a workflow using marketing activities but doesn't include a specific time frame. read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
October 28, 2022
Hey Karsten, Need a quick verification on this workflow. My trigger is actually "Opened the email but didn't reply". Could you please resend the more
mdrnd on October 27, 2022
Hi there, Trying to create a workflow to send a follow up email if first marketing email hasn't been opened in a certain time frame. I know that we can create a workflow using marketing activities but doesn't include a specific time frame. read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
October 28, 2022
Hey Karsten, Need a quick verification on this workflow. My trigger is actually "Opened the email but didn't reply". Could you please resend the more
mdrnd on October 27, 2022
Hi there, Trying to create a workflow to send a follow up email if first marketing email hasn't been opened in a certain time frame. I know that we can create a workflow using marketing activities but doesn't include a specific time frame. read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
October 28, 2022
Hey Karsten, Need a quick verification on this workflow. My trigger is actually "Opened the email but didn't reply". Could you please resend the more
mdrnd on September 01, 2022
Hi all, I'm trying to create an automated Slack notification for logged calls. I'd like to be able to use "Activity Assigned To" property in the notification but I can see only primary company proporties in the drop down menu when inserting a pe read more
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1 Reply
mdrnd on August 30, 2022
Hi there, Recently we imported some of our deals from one account to another. We were able to complete the import for some of the basic objects such as contacts, deals, and pipeline details. What we did was we used a *csv export and mapped out so read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
August 30, 2022
Thanks Karsten, that's exactly what I thought and wanted to confirm with you. The previous account that I'm trying to get these read-only fields are more
mdrnd on August 30, 2022
Hi there, Recently we imported some of our deals from one account to another. We were able to complete the import for some of the basic objects such as contacts, deals, and pipeline details. What we did was we used a *csv export and mapped out so read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
August 30, 2022
Thanks Karsten, that's exactly what I thought and wanted to confirm with you. The previous account that I'm trying to get these read-only fields are more
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