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Rhianna Gamble


EmiNoda on Setembro 11, 2020
Hi, I have a question about Files in HubSpot. There are SO many files Unused on any pages and I'm going to archive them eventually. But it takes too long to figure out which file is used or not. (Currently I click each file and see the detail but i Leia mais
88 avaliações positivas
43 Respostas
Agosto 14, 2023
This would be a huge timesaver! I hope Hubspot will bring in this functionality
alivia on Fevereiro 06, 2018
Hey, We need to be able to attach contacts we upload to a campaign in Hubspot. Let's face it, not many companies are 100% online, we all go to events and attend conferences where we get contacts, or even do hosted paid and are given lists of con Leia mais
308 avaliações positivas
156 Respostas
Julho 31, 2019
Absolutely, this would be very helpful for monitoring the effectiveness of conferences, webinars and suchlike. I pretty much live in Hubspot but I ha...Leia mais
RhiannaJones on Julho 31, 2019
Hi, We subscribe to the Reporting add on, but we are finding that there is a big limitation. It only enables us to report against revenue targets, not the number of activities or deals, which really restricts how effectively we can report agains Leia mais
3 avaliações positivas
7 Respostas
Julho 31, 2019
Thanks for the guidance on how best to use this community forum, I really appreciate it! If anyone would like to upvote this suggestion, please v...Leia mais
RhiannaJones on Julho 31, 2019
Hi, We subscribe to the Reporting add on, but we are finding that there is a big limitation. It only enables us to report against revenue targets, not the number of activities or deals, which really restricts how effectively we can report agains Leia mais
3 avaliações positivas
7 Respostas
Julho 31, 2019
Thanks for the guidance on how best to use this community forum, I really appreciate it! If anyone would like to upvote this suggestion, please v...Leia mais
RhiannaJones on Julho 31, 2019
Hi, We subscribe to the Reporting add on, but we are finding that there is a big limitation. It only enables us to report against revenue targets, not the number of activities or deals, which really restricts how effectively we can report agains Leia mais
13 avaliações positivas
1 Respostas
RhiannaJones on Julho 31, 2019
Hi, We subscribe to the Reporting add on, but we are finding that there is a big limitation. It only enables us to report against revenue targets, not the number of activities or deals, which really restricts how effectively we can report agains Leia mais
3 avaliações positivas
7 Respostas
Julho 31, 2019
Thanks for the guidance on how best to use this community forum, I really appreciate it! If anyone would like to upvote this suggestion, please v...Leia mais
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