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Member since ‎Oct 17, 2017
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We partner with the businesses and visibly lessen their sales and marketing hassles by arming them with our fully-functional HubSpot Website Templates, Hubspot Landing Pages Templates, HubSpot Email/Newsletter Templates, HubSpot Blog Templates, HubSpot Infographics and HubSpot Migration Services.


DBateman on April 06, 2022
Hi I created a list to select all wesite visitors using the URL contains the company name but when I test on a recent website visitor they dont appear in the list. No other parameters set so they should be in the lsits. thanks D
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2 Replies
Key Advisor | Partner
April 07, 2022
@DBateman Hi, if you want to trace your website visitors jut apply filter using property - Page View has at least one Page View of a URL more
Chandler on December 12, 2017
Hi – Wondering if anyone has had any luck positioning the submit button in a form inline with the rest of the colums. Inside of the form builder, you have the option to position fields to the side of each other, but not the submit button. I'm assum read more
1 upvote
8 Replies
Key Advisor | Partner
June 29, 2020
Hi @paulopes - can you please share your page link here? I will check and let you know
DavidFJones on June 19, 2020
Hello, How does one access image files while making a custom CMS theme? I am able to upload the images using the local development tools, but can't seem to find how to get these files onto the page. I have tried using get_asset_url('') but und read more
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3 Replies
Key Advisor | Partner
June 20, 2020
Hi @DavidFJones You can use direct file manager path here, no need to use this type of path as an image is editable from page edit mode. so more
Sydney on June 19, 2020 I created a new page on our site with an embedded google map using the HTML module. I have smart variation rules set up - everything works perfectly to change size when on mobile except the map size does not c read more
Key Advisor | Partner
June 20, 2020
Hi @Sydney In CSS please add this line, it will fix this issue. iframe { width: 100% !important; } We hope it works for you. Did our more
ziadi on June 10, 2020
Using Hubspot CMS we created a custom pop-up model and used the hubspot share code that was provided via HS forms. We've added the javascript code into the model inside a div, pop-up works great but when you close the pop-up via close button or read more
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2 Replies
Key Advisor | Partner
June 11, 2020
Hi @ziadi In CSS please add this line, it will fix this issue. body > div.hbspt-form { display: none !important; } We hope it works more
petras on November 24, 2017
Hello, I hope somebody can give me some advice. Can anybody tell me how I can edit the color of the error message of a form. Now hardly it can be detinguished from the general text. Can I do this by editing the CSS of the form only? Thanks so much. read more
14 Replies
Key Advisor | Partner
January 25, 2019
Hi @cyberlobe I show on your page, try this code .hs-error-msgs label { color: #f2545b !important; }
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