
Member since ‎Oct 17, 2017
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taylorfriss on July 11, 2017
We just switched over to HubSpot from Salesforce and are trying to do an audit on which properties we have - so we can find duplicates and either merge or delete them. It would be great if we could export all existing Properties in our system with t read more
July 24, 2019
This is necessary for any major data clean up project! The data is there, why isn't there an easy way to export it? Get on it, HubSpot!
jklung on June 19, 2017
We need to see the deal owner in the Sales Pipeline Board. It is available in the Table view but not Board view. Should be a very easy thing to add. See my original question in the community: read more
33 Replies
December 13, 2017
I agree! Even if it's just the HubSpot Owner's picture with initials, there needs to be something in the board view so you can easily identify which more
Deborah on June 30, 2017
It would be great to have more or precise formatting options in the Sales Email Templates. Problems I'm facing up are: a standard font "Arial", which isn't available in the dropdown for the fonts yet the indent text button is missing to write read more
December 01, 2017
I would like to see this happen too. Our firm has a strict style guide that we use for all of our emails. According to HubSpot, you can add custom more
FranzSauerstein on November 28, 2016
I am carrying this idea just over from the old HubSpot ideas plattform: Here (with a great suggestion on implemenation) And here "Many (if not all) of our clients need the ability to attribute multiple owners to Contacts, Companies and read more
89 Replies
November 20, 2017
Hi jsg121 , I don't think creating custom owner properties will solve some of the pressing issues related to the HubSpot owner property. At my more
FranzSauerstein on November 28, 2016
I am carrying this idea just over from the old HubSpot ideas plattform: Here (with a great suggestion on implemenation) And here "Many (if not all) of our clients need the ability to attribute multiple owners to Contacts, Companies and read more
89 Replies
November 20, 2017
Hi jsg121 , I don't think creating custom owner properties will solve some of the pressing issues related to the HubSpot owner property. At my more
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