
Member since ‎May 20, 2021
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Sarah Cook

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cooksarah9 on February 10, 2023
I love being able to leave comments for my colleagues on email drafts. However, it seems that people can only delete their own comments. Since I moderate between the comments, I need the ability to do rounds of clean up and either delete other peop read more
2 Replies
cooksarah9 on February 09, 2023
I love being able to leave comments for my colleagues on email drafts. However, it seems that people can only delete their own comments. Since I moderate between the comments, I need the ability to do rounds of clean up and either delete other peopl read more
2 Replies
February 10, 2023
Thanks! I'll do that.
cooksarah9 on February 09, 2023
I love being able to leave comments for my colleagues on email drafts. However, it seems that people can only delete their own comments. Since I moderate between the comments, I need the ability to do rounds of clean up and either delete other peopl read more
2 Replies
February 10, 2023
Thanks! I'll do that.
cooksarah9 on September 07, 2021
Subject-Matter Experts (SMEs) are often worth their weight in gold when the time comes to create new assets such as blog posts, videos and webinars. However, many of them avoid the spotlight and are content to just attend to their “day job,” whethe read more
0 Reply
GGordon on May 19, 2021
We need a way to limit the types of characters allowed in a submitted email address, Roman letters only for instance. This is needed as non-Roman letters in submitted addresses affect our processing. This was originally discussed with HubSpot su read more
May 20, 2021
Great idea! This feature would be quite helpful.
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