
Member since ‎May 20, 2021
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Cruiser18 on October 18, 2021
Hello I made a label in the Hubspot user interface called "Consultant". When I had it in edit mode, the address field looked at the label as having ID 25. I then manually added a association between a company and a contact who rec read more
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Cruiser18 on October 18, 2021
Hello I'm currently trying my hand at creating a label between a company and a contact. I receive an error message, that states that the contact ID is not valid, but it is pointing to what I input as the company ID. This is very confusing an read more
Cruiser18 on May 20, 2021
Hello I have been tasked with enabling a client to send their data to an account they have here on HubSpot through the API. The data will be send by a Function App in Azure. A requirement from the customer is that they get full access to the code read more
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2 Replies
May 21, 2021
Yeah thats also what we figured. We'll go with that solution then. ^^
Cruiser18 on May 20, 2021
Hello I have been tasked with enabling a client to send their data to an account they have here on HubSpot through the API. The data will be send by a Function App in Azure. A requirement from the customer is that they get full access to the code read more
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2 Replies
May 21, 2021
Yeah thats also what we figured. We'll go with that solution then. ^^
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