
Miembro desde ‎may 19, 2021
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Junio 17, 2024
What is going on? 4 years, it's time!! we, as loyal customers would use the meeting tool much more if it had decent digital marketing tracking and hi...Leer más
May 22, 2023
Much needed. and we also need the ability to filter certain lead form submissions (support) when checking page views/submissions (submission rate%)
TLevytalll en May 22, 2023
Hi, really need a basic traffic analytics report, that will allow you to see conversion rate (submission rate) per page with amount of pageviewsAND the ability to filter/exclude some lead forms. Reason - we have support lead forms and sales lead fo Leer más
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Septiembre 13, 2022
Hi, how can we make this happen fast? Hundreds of lead forms, just need to exclude a few domains
Junio 13, 2022
Hi, really need this. Can't even add UTM's or any hidden field! What's up HUBSPOT?
Abril 07, 2022
Greta idea, we have the same major issue
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