
Member since ‎May 19, 2021
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Maurício Pacheco

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SFReadyCap on September 16, 2022
There should be an option to type to search in a dropdown menu, they would be able to select from the dropdown but also type to narrow down their search results if there are a lot of options.
17 Replies
September 11, 2023
It will be very useful for us!
gsatwik on January 17, 2020
The idea is to have a Multiple Select Drop-down, which can enable a form visitor to select multiple options for a property by clicking on a dropdown and searching for an option. This would essentially be an altrenative for Multiple Checkbox Field Ty read more
74 Replies
September 11, 2023
It will be very useful for us! Please, HubSpot, develop it.
MPacheco4 on December 01, 2021
If I have a date property created by me, for example: Schedule date. I would like to have a delay until the event occurs based on the date dynamically filled in the property. Rather than defining that the property has changed, I want to use the dat read more
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usmiclow on October 20, 2017
When a phone number field has data put into it, it is up to the User to format it the way they deem appropriate. That is not the most user-friendly or data-centric approach. This is a good way to allow users to enter incorrect or sloppy data and cau read more
162 Replies
June 09, 2021
Please, we need this, Hubspot! When will development start?
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