
HubSpot Moderator
Member since ‎May 18, 2021
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BradHennessy on March 22, 2023
Currently, there is no feature in HubSpot that allows me to communicate/show information to all users within the portal. For example, if HubSpot has an Issue, the team puts a banner at the top of the screen letting us know there is an issue. We' read more
11 Replies
HubSpot Moderator
March 22, 2023
Love this idea
drumicd33 on December 28, 2022
It would be very helpful for my team to be able to filter tasks by company conditions (ie. filter out unqualified companies to delete old taks).
4 Replies
HubSpot Moderator
February 15, 2023
This would solve for a lot of customers, upvoted!
Mohsinkhn on July 05, 2022
For the advising stage, we should book another call with the prospect or should we do that on the explanatory? And if on another call, How can I ask the prospect for another call?
1 Reply
HubSpot Moderator
July 08, 2022
Hi @Mohsinkhn , Thanks for stopping by. I'm going to tag in some of our Community members who might have some insights to share. I thought I'd more
crystalking on June 29, 2021
One of the best ways to learn social media marketing is by implementing strategies and sharing ideas with other social media practitioners, just like you. That’s why we’re so excited to create this community of social media marketers to learn and read more
4157 Replies
HubSpot Moderator
July 08, 2022
Hi @M_ZEE , Thanks for stopping by and welcome to the Community! Have you taken a look at any of our Community or Study Groups? Let me know more
JBalanga on July 05, 2022
"The Search API endpoints are rate limited to four requests per second per authentication token." Is there a way to increase the rate limit? We saw the API Limit increase addon but this only increases the daily limit. Greetings, read more
0 upvote
1 Reply
HubSpot Moderator
July 08, 2022
Hi @JBalanga , Thanks for stopping by. The Search API rate limit was increased by 1 request per second to 4 requests per second in 2020 more
crystalking on June 29, 2021
One of the best ways to learn social media marketing is by implementing strategies and sharing ideas with other social media practitioners, just like you. That’s why we’re so excited to create this community of social media marketers to learn and read more
4157 Replies
HubSpot Moderator
July 08, 2022
Hi @M_ZEE , Thanks for stopping by and welcome to the Community! Have you taken a look at any of our Community or Study Groups? Let me know more
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