
Member since ‎May 17, 2021
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Aykut Sahin

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ASahin on April 17, 2024
Hello Community, We would like to automatically inform the "company owner" which is assosiated to a ticket when a ticket has reached a certain phase. Does someone has an idea? Somehow i was not able to find a solution. We have Sales& read more
ASahin on January 24, 2024
Hello Community, We as a B2B Company use Forms not only for our website but also for our internal process. Means if we get inbound calls or inbound E-Mails or are on exhibtions, we use forms so our internal colleagues and sales ppl on exhibt read more
January 24, 2024
Servus Karsten, Danke für die schnelle Antwort. Das charmante an der Formularlösung sind für uns folgende: - Die Kollegen an der Hauptzentrale more
ASahin on January 24, 2024
Hello Community, We as a B2B Company use Forms not only for our website but also for our internal process. Means if we get inbound calls or inbound E-Mails or are on exhibtions, we use forms so our internal colleagues and sales ppl on exhibt read more
January 24, 2024
Servus Karsten, Danke für die schnelle Antwort. Das charmante an der Formularlösung sind für uns folgende: - Die Kollegen an der Hauptzentrale more
ASahin on January 24, 2024
Hello Community, our company is a B2B company. Our goal is to keep properties f.e. Country, Citiy, Zip, Adress between both objects in sync. I do have a workflow setup for this. (see picture) But this only works, if you create the compa read more
ASahin on November 30, 2023
Dear Community, we are struggling to keep the adress like adress, city, zip, country from companies in sync with contacts. Since we are a B2B company, a contact's address is never different from the company's address. To copy the information from read more
November 30, 2023
Hey @Phil_Vallender , thanks for the quick reply. The worklflow i created is similiar to the screenshot you sent and this works. Can you more
ASahin on November 30, 2023
Dear Community, we are struggling to keep the adress like adress, city, zip, country from companies in sync with contacts. Since we are a B2B company, a contact's address is never different from the company's address. To copy the information from read more
November 30, 2023
Hey @Phil_Vallender , thanks for the quick reply. The worklflow i created is similiar to the screenshot you sent and this works. Can you more
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