Hey everyone, Trying to build a lead score based no list membership and marketing activities. What I'd like to do is that 1) I'd like to create a trigger with 2 or more list memberships. When a contact is a member of at least 2 lists, the l read more
Hello @mdrnd , I see a lot of HubSpot users grapple with such issues involving lead scores. Since your ultimate goal is prioritization of prospects...read more
Hello folks, if I want to lead a HUG event, who should I contact or where should I apply? Thinking of leading a HUG event about predictive anaytics tools on HubSpot... Thanks
Thanks @karstenkoehler There seem to be some certifications needed to be able to lead a HUG, which makes sense of course. What if I am looking to...read more
Hello folks, if I want to lead a HUG event, who should I contact or where should I apply? Thinking of leading a HUG event about predictive anaytics tools on HubSpot... Thanks
Thanks @karstenkoehler There seem to be some certifications needed to be able to lead a HUG, which makes sense of course. What if I am looking to...read more
Hi All, As a B2B service led organisation. We use Hubspot to market primarily to existing customers. We use Hubspot Score to measure engagement activity rather than new business leads. Hubspot score cannot be edited via workflows and i'm lookin read more
Hello @CRNuvias ! Indeed, manually setting up lead scores can be tedious. I see a lot of HubSpot users grapple with issues involving lead scores. ...read more
Almost all filter types that you can add as a scoring set, offers the ability to refine by date or number of times. This way you can add lead decay. However this is not possible for Lists or Imports. I still haven't figured out how to add lead d read more
Hello @bhascher , I see a lot of HubSpot users grapple with such issues involving lead scores. What if I told you there is an AI solution that auto...read more
Hello all, I am CoFounder and CEO of XaiPient . We have built an app for B2B HubSpot users that leverages our innovations in Trustworthy AI models for event sequence data. We apply ideas from language modeling, such as Recurrent Neural Networks, se read more
I know we can get "engagements" via the API. For enagements of type "EMAIL", (these are outbound sales emails), is it possible to get event-level data of how a prospect/lead is engaging with these emails? For example when are they opening, clicking read more
Hello all, I am CoFounder and CEO of XaiPient . We have built an app for B2B HubSpot users that leverages our innovations in Trustworthy AI models for event sequence data. We apply ideas from language modeling, such as Recurrent Neural Networks, se read more
For example, could someone clarify what this one means: hs_target_account_probability More generally, it would be good to see where all properties are described. Thanks
Anyone here use Hubspot for sales + marketing? Asking because I've developed a new AI-driven adaptive lead scoring solution. I'm looking for beta testers who are willing to test it out (free) in exchange for some feedback. Our tool - XaiPient, lea read more
Hello folks, if I want to lead a HUG event, who should I contact or where should I apply? Thinking of leading a HUG event about predictive anaytics tools on HubSpot... Thanks
Thanks @karstenkoehler There seem to be some certifications needed to be able to lead a HUG, which makes sense of course. What if I am looking to...read more
I have looked here: https://developers.hubspot.com/docs/api/crm/companies https://knowledge.hubspot.com/companies/hubspot-crm-default-company-properties but what I want to know is, where can I find the list of all company properties that ar read more
Thank you @Teun @natsumimori @webdew @himanshurauthan for helping out! I found what I wanted via the "Get all company properties" endpoint....read more
A place for social media professionals to share ideas, learn, network, and be inspired.
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//selectors for hover card triggers
var allHoverCardTriggers = '.author-name-link,.friend-list .friend a,.username a,.avatar,.user-avatar,.author-img, .authors a, .messageauthorusername a, a.lia-user-name-link, .js-latest-post-by-from a, .user-online-list li a, a.UserAvatar, .customUsersOnline a, #authors a,.dashboard-followers a.user-name, .dashboard-following a.user-name,.author-login-wrapper a, .hb-leaderboard a, .author-img-floated';
// Forward calling page's URL params to endpoint URL as well, helps with testing!
var params = (new URL(location.href)).searchParams;
var userApiUrl = '/plugins/custom/hubspot/hubspot/hovercardendpoint?' + ((params.set('user_id', '') == []._) && params.toString());
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var error = false;
var thisUserID = '';
var thisUserLogin = '';
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var distanceLeft = (distanceLeft)-(45);
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//just in case
//hover card wrapper markup
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//get the background
type: 'GET',
url: userApiUrl+thisUserID,
dataType: 'html',
success: function(data) {
ajaxReturn = data;
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//uh oh - bail out!
}, 360);
function mouseleave(e) {
// glowingblue: When the user leaves the hovercard trigger, wait because the leaving could be
// to interact with the hovercard, if we don't wait it will just disappear...because
// we left the trigger, right...so we'll have another handler that check if the mouse is
// over the hovercard and if so clears this timer, so the card doesn't close here
leaveTimer = setTimeout(function() {
if ($('.profileCard[data-user="'+thisUserID+'"]',cardWrapper).length) {
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// glowingblue: Add handlers for when the users interacts with the hovercard, no closing!
$('.hover-card-container').on('mouseenter', function(e) {
(leaveTimer !== []._) && clearTimeout(leaveTimer);
$('.hover-card-container').on('mouseleave', function(e) {
(leaveTimer !== []._) && clearTimeout(leaveTimer);
if ( $(e.target).is('.profileCard[style*="block"]') ) {
leaveTimer = setTimeout(function() {
}, 2400);
// glowingblue: add one global root level click handler to also close any visible hovercards
// if the user taps/clicks outside the hovercard
$(document).on('mousedown', function(e) {
if ( !$(e.target).parents('.hover-card-container').length ) {
(leaveTimer != []._) && clearTimeout(leaveTimer);
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return "";
function errorDisplay(errType) {
var errAuth = '
To access this area of the Community, please log in.
var errAuthLogin = '
To access the HubSpot Community Champions program and complete opportunities, confirm you are logged in by clicking here. Find additional troubleshooting steps here
var noBadges = '
To start earning advocacy badges, go to the Community Champions advocacy program page and start completing opportunities.
var noAsks = '
Hooray! You\'ve completed all available opportunities. Check back in for more opportunities next month.