
Miembro | Partner nivel Platinum
Miembro desde ‎may 13, 2021
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Francois Delvaux

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FDelvaux en Octubre 11, 2023
In the analyics view where see session per domain, our client asked if it is possible to add a filter of URL path so that some URL paths can be excluded from the analyics view chart? I looked at doing this via custom report using web activit Leer más
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1 Respuestas
Miembro | Partner nivel Platinum
Octubre 10, 2023
Hello - this post is very interesting - what did you use to synch the employees from active directory into hubSpot? Did you develop your own API or u...Leer más
Miembro | Partner nivel Platinum
Diciembre 06, 2022
Hello Is there any update to be able to select which image is shown if the user is on a mobile on PC today the only option in marketing email for s...Leer más
Miembro | Partner nivel Platinum
Noviembre 24, 2022
Here is what we need - a pop-up for whicj BU when create a landing page or when clone a landing page and here is what we see today We...Leer más
FDelvaux en Noviembre 23, 2022
Hello - for those on HubSpot enterprise and have Business Units Yesterday November 22 noticed that the possibility to select a business unit when creating a landing page has gone or changed! Also the feature of cloning a landing page and being abl Leer más
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5 Respuestas
FDelvaux en Octubre 25, 2022
My client has enterprise marketign Hub and multiple business unit Need help/developement to have folders and sub-folders in FORMS today when you create a folder it creates at the root level and not in a business unit Not able to also create Leer más
3 Me gusta
3 Respuestas
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