
Mitglied | Platinum Partner
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Francois Delvaux

Dieser Benutzer hat noch keine Beschreibung erstellt. Bearbeite Dein Profil hier.


FDelvaux on Oktober 11, 2023
In the analyics view where see session per domain, our client asked if it is possible to add a filter of URL path so that some URL paths can be excluded from the analyics view chart? I looked at doing this via custom report using web activit Beitrag ansehen
1 Antwort
Mitglied | Platinum Partner
Oktober 10, 2023
Hello - this post is very interesting - what did you use to synch the employees from active directory into hubSpot? Did you develop your own API or u...Beitrag ansehen
Mitglied | Platinum Partner
Dezember 06, 2022
Hello Is there any update to be able to select which image is shown if the user is on a mobile on PC today the only option in marketing email for s...Beitrag ansehen
Mitglied | Platinum Partner
November 24, 2022
Here is what we need - a pop-up for whicj BU when create a landing page or when clone a landing page and here is what we see today We...Beitrag ansehen
FDelvaux on November 23, 2022
Hello - for those on HubSpot enterprise and have Business Units Yesterday November 22 noticed that the possibility to select a business unit when creating a landing page has gone or changed! Also the feature of cloning a landing page and being abl Beitrag ansehen
5 Antworten
FDelvaux on Oktober 25, 2022
My client has enterprise marketign Hub and multiple business unit Need help/developement to have folders and sub-folders in FORMS today when you create a folder it creates at the root level and not in a business unit Not able to also create Beitrag ansehen
3 Antworten
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