
Member since ‎Oct 12, 2017
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David O'Neill

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November 05, 2024
The issue is the QUOTE doesn't then show those currencies?
daveon on November 04, 2024
Hi, We have customers who want us to be specific that a price is in USD but I can't seem to be able to get the quotes to display that is it USD$ v. other currencies. Is there a way to do this?
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3 Replies
September 17, 2024
I have the same problem - I have a lot of placeholder meetings in the morning that I am not required to attend that are in my calander - but an more
daveon on February 27, 2024
Hi, I like the prospecting view but I don't quite follow how I can use leads. My problem is this - we have all users of our product in our CRM and some are customers but I can't see to mark them as customers and have them disappear from the lead read more
daveon on September 01, 2023
I have been trying to get goals working but I feel like it just isn't working, I've tried support and I've had multiple runs at this but I can't see to reliably track metrics. We run quarterly sales revenue goals across the team. I have, just ab read more
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9 Replies
September 01, 2023
So I have goals set but they just don't appear in this report. I've got to be honest, the goals functionality just does not seem ready for prime more
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