
Membro desde ‎mai 11, 2021
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Max Berger


mzberger on Junho 03, 2021
Hi there, Hubspot is getting rid of cross-object reports and replacing it with something else… On cross-object reports you can filter the date by ‘last week, last month, quarter up to now’ etc. i.e. date range and represented in different Leia mais
SamanthaA on Outubro 19, 2020
Right now when creating a product report, only line items, or products associated with a deal, show up in the report. It would be ideal to be able to report on all products, including those that are not currently associated with a deal.
47 avaliações positivas
14 Respostas
Junho 03, 2021
Hi, I can see that there have been three similar posts and I have just upvoted all three. It would be great if you could report on unique prod...Leia mais
mzberger on Junho 03, 2021
Hi, It would be great if you could report on unique products specifically. Not just line items. At the moment, surfacing any product information in a report comes up as line items. These are not unique and are associated with deals. Any Leia mais
Junho 03, 2021
Thank you Karsten!
mzberger on Junho 03, 2021
Hi, It would be great if you could report on unique products specifically. Not just line items. At the moment, surfacing any product information in a report comes up as line items. These are not unique and are associated with deals. Any Leia mais
Junho 03, 2021
Thank you Karsten!
mzberger on Maio 11, 2021
Hi all, When creating a ticket, you can associate it with a Company or a Contact (see attached #1). It would be awesome if you could also associate it to a Deal. This would be of great value to my company because of today, we have to man Leia mais
1 avaliações positivas
1 Respostas
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