
Participant | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎May 10, 2021
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Bri Dehlinger

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APeana on December 22, 2022
It woul be very usefull to have the possibility to avoid to assign a Lifecycle stage to contacts who fill a form. I need to keep it the previous value and at the moment is not possible
1 upvote
1 Reply
Participant | Diamond Partner
December 11, 2023
Agree - I need this as well.
BDehlinger on October 31, 2023
I am interested in showing the effectiveness of an email campaign in re-engaging Contacts that are considered unengaged. Does anyone have a recommendation on how to view this data? I asked HubSpot support and this was their response: "Thi read more
Participant | Diamond Partner
October 31, 2023
Hi Karsten! I am honored that you have answered my question! I often find your replies in the Community are very helpful. I htink this more
BDehlinger on October 31, 2023
I am interested in showing the effectiveness of an email campaign in re-engaging Contacts that are considered unengaged. Does anyone have a recommendation on how to view this data? I asked HubSpot support and this was their response: "Thi read more
Participant | Diamond Partner
October 31, 2023
Hi Karsten! I am honored that you have answered my question! I often find your replies in the Community are very helpful. I htink this more
ButCanItGoViral on February 13, 2023
In Hubspot, we can apply a "send frequency cap" to avoid sending additional marketing emails to a contact who has already received "x" number of emails in the past ~2 weeks. But Hubspot doesn't let you view the list of people who currently meet t read more
3 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
September 20, 2023
Definitely need this!
MarketingMagpie on October 14, 2022
Hi, So I work for a publishers. We have 25+ brands but the cost of business units was too prohibitive, even if actioned at a portfolio level. Our product range is very varied. Think Trade Wine Buying, Plumbing and Heating and Stadium and A read more
1 upvote
5 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
July 25, 2023
Hey @karstenkoehler Have you seen any movement on this from HubSpot or found any new workarounds? Thanks, Bri
StefanP on November 15, 2022
Is there any way to identify through the API which business unit a subscription type is part of? The marketing API does not seem to have them in the definitions endpo read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
July 25, 2023
Hi Jaycee, I know Subscription Types is still in Beta, but do you know if there has been any change in updating the endpoints? I am syncing more
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