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Member since ‎May 8, 2021
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oceansky on July 26, 2021
Hi, how can we add multiple emails for one contact in Hubspot. I have a insurance client who wants to keep track of all the family members but prefers to create one main contact in the database and add the email addresses of other family members to read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
Participant | Partner
July 27, 2021
Thank you! This seems to work for me.
oceansky on July 26, 2021
Hi, how can we add multiple emails for one contact in Hubspot. I have a insurance client who wants to keep track of all the family members but prefers to create one main contact in the database and add the email addresses of other family members to read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
Participant | Partner
July 27, 2021
Thank you! This seems to work for me.
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