
Membro desde ‎mai 7, 2021
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Dee Ivins


THinde on Fevereiro 01, 2021
To keep my leads hot I want to be able to shorten the rolling timescale on the meetings function. If I can shorten it to a minimum of 3 days this will require my customers to communicate with my sales team while the call to action for them is still Leia mais
2 avaliações positivas
1 Respostas
Maio 07, 2021
Love this THindle! I have seen this request on multiple over threads! 🙂 Same idea!
rachelbrowne on Janeiro 02, 2020
In the meetings tool, you can currently choose when a meeting can be scheduled. However, the options are "this week and next week", weeks in advance, or a custom date range. It would be great if you could set it to "blank days" (3 days for examp Leia mais
64 avaliações positivas
24 Respostas
Maio 07, 2021
Absolutely! ScheduleOnce has this feature and we're currently NOT using HS Meetings so that we can keep this feature to keep conversions up. Would lo...Leia mais
RGuh on Janeiro 11, 2021
This feature would be for sales people who want to shorten the rolling availability from 2 weeks to 1 week or less. We would love to be able to shorten the rolling availability so you hopefully have a quicker conversation instead of having to wait 2 Leia mais
4 avaliações positivas
1 Respostas
Maio 07, 2021
LOVE this. We use Schedule Once for this to limit availability to 2 days at a time. Super helpful.
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