
Member since ‎May 7, 2021
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Mary Beth Heffernan

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MBHeffernan on October 27, 2023
Has anyone had experience integrating HubSpot Sales with Fishbowl inventory System?
1 upvote
4 Replies
June 14, 2024
@Lyndon We didn't end up doing the integration as we only use the desk top version of Fishbowl and in order to do the integration you need the more
sjudson on December 04, 2023
Hi all, Scott from the HubSpot Product team here. I wanted to create a space for conversation around our sunset of the Microsoft VSTO email extension. The tl;dr for why we’re sunsetting this is that Microsoft has moved away from the VSTO a read more
18 Replies
January 10, 2024
I have the same question as @AnnieRECIPE above. How can an ADMIN tell which of our HubSpot users is connected to the no longer supported version more
hlpayne on June 01, 2020
Add option to organize attachments or documents on a contact, company, or deal. Create sub-folders, if necessary to organize document attachments. Ability to remove email signature images or the like that aren't needed, but get added as attachments read more
10 Replies
December 11, 2023
We heard from a HubSpot Consultant that HubSpot was actively working on a new view for attachments that would be more tabular in nature. more
MBHeffernan on October 27, 2023
Has anyone had experience integrating HubSpot Sales with Fishbowl inventory System?
1 upvote
4 Replies
June 14, 2024
@Lyndon We didn't end up doing the integration as we only use the desk top version of Fishbowl and in order to do the integration you need the more
MMESSI on July 12, 2021
Hello to all, for our activity which is the maritime and air transport in the use of the transaction tool we need to make product lines with different currencies. for example it can be that the transport coming from France to the port of departure read more
1 upvote
1 Reply
November 20, 2023
Yes, I agree that invoicing in multiple currencies is needed (not just the default currency).
MBHeffernan on October 27, 2023
Has anyone had experience integrating HubSpot Sales with Fishbowl inventory System?
1 upvote
4 Replies
June 14, 2024
@Lyndon We didn't end up doing the integration as we only use the desk top version of Fishbowl and in order to do the integration you need the more
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