
Member since ‎May 5, 2021
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Scott Cole

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jrtbv on May 23, 2023
Hello, Is there a chance to "force" Hubspot to show only "Annual recurring revenue" value instead of both it and an "Amount"? I want the dashboard, pipeline deal cards, and exported view to display only ARR.
2 Replies
July 25, 2024
This would be really helpful. I'd like to show the Amount (£ services), Annual Revenue (Licences & Hosting) in 2 separate columns. This doesn't more
NSeter on January 04, 2021
As a super admin I would be very benefical to see whom in the company/team that has successfully connected their outlook or gmail with Hubspot
November 16, 2023
This is great, but in the 'more to come' is there a way to automatically notify these individuals via email letting them know they need to reconnect more
NSeter on January 04, 2021
As a super admin I would be very benefical to see whom in the company/team that has successfully connected their outlook or gmail with Hubspot
November 16, 2023
This is great, but in the 'more to come' is there a way to automatically notify these individuals via email letting them know they need to reconnect more
SCole7 on January 13, 2022
Hi All, I tried to import a list of organisations using the domain name as the unique identifier so that it would ignore, and therefore not import, any records that already had that domain name in HS. When I reviewed the import list I noticed a lo read more
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4 Replies
kcgarvin on October 05, 2020
Would be helpful to be able to filter the date ranges on the forecast feature in a custom range. For instance, we run on a fiscal year July1- June 30. And now, as it stands we can not forecast on this date range.
64 Replies
November 10, 2021
Well that was disappointing. Custom reports only? Why not available on ALL date related filters?
kcgarvin on October 05, 2020
Would be helpful to be able to filter the date ranges on the forecast feature in a custom range. For instance, we run on a fiscal year July1- June 30. And now, as it stands we can not forecast on this date range.
64 Replies
November 10, 2021
Well that was disappointing. Custom reports only? Why not available on ALL date related filters?
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