
Member since ‎May 5, 2021
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Rob Landolt

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RLandolt on September 23, 2024
When deactivating users who own records (Contacts, Deals, Companies) in the system, you are given a summary of those records and options to reassign them. It would be extremely useful if other components of Hubspot were included on this list, su read more
KyleM on August 29, 2019
My understanding is you can connect an Office 365 shared mailbox to a personal Hubspot account with IMAP settings, however, this option doesn't seem to bve available for the team shared mailbox connection in Hubspot. This would be extremely usef read more
113 Replies
August 29, 2024
Adding a me-too upvote for this idea as it is causing our organization considerable difficulty using the tool without it. We've got a shared mailbox more
KyleM on August 29, 2019
My understanding is you can connect an Office 365 shared mailbox to a personal Hubspot account with IMAP settings, however, this option doesn't seem to bve available for the team shared mailbox connection in Hubspot. This would be extremely usef read more
113 Replies
August 29, 2024
Adding a me-too upvote for this idea as it is causing our organization considerable difficulty using the tool without it. We've got a shared mailbox more
KLaing on January 05, 2022
Hi there, After recently setting up a new Business Unit we have found you cannot move emails between units once you have cloned them from another unit. It would be great if we could have the functionality to be able to move emails to the correct uni read more
23 Replies
January 27, 2023
Upvoted! We need this functionality!
MarkSRasmussen on February 20, 2017
When users leave the company we want to remove their access to HubSpot. If we delete a user, their names are deleted from history. e.g. "User A created a Note" will no longer contain User A's name, but rather an internal number identifier, rendering read more
102 Replies
September 15, 2021
That's great news, Flora. Thank you!
RLandolt on July 07, 2021
Hi all, we've got multiple international branches using our HubSpot portal that use the quoting function. The stock quote function automatically appends the user's Company Information to the quote, using information stored in Settings/Account Defaul read more
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3 Replies
July 07, 2021
Hi Karsten, thank you very much for the quick response! I think this will work short term, but our users will have to manually update the Company more
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