
Member since ‎May 4, 2021
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David Streibig

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ABondestam on August 23, 2022
For playbooks set to create notes, it would be helpful if not only the text in the questions and anwers, but also other text (headlines, text body and so forth between questions) appeared in the note.
1 Reply
February 02, 2024
Is there still no option to do this? We organize questions in our playbooks into categories using titles that disappear once we post the playbook as more
DStreibig on November 22, 2023
Hi -- Is there a way to build a goal detail summary into a dashboard or does this only live on the goals page?
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DStreibig on November 11, 2023
We want to set up a min value of 0 for lead scoring. The way we have lead scoring set up currently is to deducts points after a time lapse in engagement. To prevent negative scores, we created a custome property (Active engagement) to be used in i read more
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