
Member since ‎Apr 29, 2021
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stas rozentsvayg

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Jaycee_Lewis on July 15, 2022
Hey, HubSpot Developers! There are plenty of questions about the upcoming sunset and how to migrate your apps using API keys to use Private Apps. Luckily, our amazing team put together this guide, Migrate an API key integration to a private a read more
33 Replies
November 14, 2022
Hey Following api keys migration to private app . we created 3 custome objects in hubspot and populate them by python rest to /crm/v3/imports api ( more
srozentsvayg on April 29, 2021
Hey I have one custom report and i would like to extract whole data from it with fields by api GET call. I didnt find any ducomentation for it . can any one provide more details how to slove it?
1 upvote
3 Replies
May 02, 2021
i am not able to find support to pull data from custom reports by using analytics . or i am missing somting? for example i have location of the more
srozentsvayg on April 29, 2021
Hey I have one custom report and i would like to extract whole data from it with fields by api GET call. I didnt find any ducomentation for it . can any one provide more details how to slove it?
1 upvote
3 Replies
May 02, 2021
i am not able to find support to pull data from custom reports by using analytics . or i am missing somting? for example i have location of the more
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