
Contributor | Platinum Partner
Member since ‎Apr 29, 2021
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Sandra Ouazana


DMollard on March 07, 2022
Hi community! We are searching for a WhatsApp integration with Hubspot. We were taking a look at WhatsHub but it seems it only allows one computer/user to be concurrently connected to a phone device/number. What we would really need is to have only read more
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15 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
October 17, 2022
Hi @ManuelaPeña Does your integration work with whatsapp application on desktop ? I'd like to consign messages and calls into hubspot. thank more
SOuazana on February 25, 2022
It would be great to have the possibility to adapt type of phone number to harmonize all the numbers. For instance when we have +33 or 33... to have all the same format of phone numbers.
6 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
May 18, 2022
Thank you @RBozeman ! We finally chose another native app - didn't know yours by the time... But I'll recommend Incycle if question is raised more
JDuffy9 on February 03, 2021
Hi All, I've managed to import contacts to my colleagues hubspot account, is it possible to import tasks and notes i have on my account to his?
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6 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
March 14, 2022
Hi, there is a great native integration called Import2 that does tasks, meetings, calls and emails import if you are still lookin for.
SOuazana on February 25, 2022
It would be great to have the possibility to adapt type of phone number to harmonize all the numbers. For instance when we have +33 or 33... to have all the same format of phone numbers.
6 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
May 18, 2022
Thank you @RBozeman ! We finally chose another native app - didn't know yours by the time... But I'll recommend Incycle if question is raised more
nlandeene on January 13, 2021
In the Goals section of your account settings (Reports > Goals), there isn't an option to set a Unit Goal. Depending on your license, you can have Avg Ticket Resolution Time, Avg Ticket Response Time, Calls Made, Deals Created, Meetings Booked, R read more
Contributor | Platinum Partner
February 02, 2022
agree, would be nice to have the possibilty to custom the measurements or at least the option of units. Thanks for sharing !
TitiCuisset on January 04, 2022
Bonjour à tous et bonne année à toute la Communauté! 🎉 Alors que la nouvelle année commence, nous réfléchissons à la manière dont nous pouvons développer nos activités, nos compétences professionnelles et nos connaissances HubSpot. read more
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6 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
January 11, 2022
Merci et bonne année 2022 @TitiCuisset ! Pour ma part une résolution serait aussi de mieux maitriser le code et pouvoir utiliser plus aisément le more
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