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Miembro desde ‎abr 28, 2021
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Jonathan Flynn

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jonflynnh2o en Junio 11, 2021
By default, CMS's like Wordpress do this, we were thinking it would be a good feature for hubspot to allow them to be automatically add them to every page. As of now, we can at least manually add slashes to pages, but note this is not possible at al Leer más
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Participante | Partner
May 24, 2021
I ended up creating a dummy hubdb table field inside the module and passing in the foreign IDs via that. However, not really ideal, I also mutated th...Leer más
jonflynnh2o en May 14, 2021
We have a custom module using the new HubDB row as a field. As part of a dynamic page template, we're grabbing some rows from a hubdb table using the foreign ID field and then attempting to pass it into the module in hopes it will fill the hubdb row Leer más
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3 Respuestas
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May 04, 2021
Ok, thanks, so I was thinking using typescript to compile down to es5 and then use 'hs watch' to listen out for when a module file is saved and compi...Leer más
jonflynnh2o en Abril 30, 2021
We have realized when working in hubspot modules that the ES6 javascript we write does not work with IE11, meaning it is not being compiled down to es5. How do we make this happen with hubspot CMS?
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3 Respuestas
Participante | Partner
Abril 29, 2021
Thanks. Will try this soon. Yep, just realized that the attribute is badly named, was only using it for an example for this post. In the real scenari...Leer más
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