
Member since ‎Dec 21, 2016
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Bill Xydias

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vxydias on July 12, 2021
Please get rid of this feature. As you know it collects everytihng like a vaccum. Better to attach attachments manually or when the feature becomes more intuitive or smarter then it will work. This feature has been neglected for years although it read more
vxydias on March 16, 2021
Very simple enhancement that can save time. Please add my Hubspot account rep contact details. I always have to search my outlook inbox to find who my rep is. Luckly I dont them often but would be great if it always updated on your end by adding read more
September 25, 2019
Reply to Attachments
Yes Please. Stop the automatic loading of attachments in the contact record. Its **bleep**ing horrible and pollutes the contact record. more
March 19, 2019
Something so simple yet overlooked. Hubspot...please ask sales people for feedback more than developers. Its common sense to have this
May 10, 2017
Great first step....need iphone now
April 14, 2017
Please make it EASY, SIMPLE and SEAMLESS. No Zapier integrations...Lastly Test it out with SALESPEOPLE in the FIELD... Not ENGINEERS
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