
Member since ‎Oct 6, 2017
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jcolman on September 17, 2021
It's-a-me! 👋 Hey Community! I’m Jonathon Colman (he/him, @jcolman ) and I’m a Senior Design Manager at HubSpot where I lead our global content design discipline. Before joining HubSpot, I led content design teams at Facebook, Intercom, read more
30 Replies
September 20, 2021
I would imagine it's tempting for a development team to say, "This already says exactly what it does." How do you demonstrate the value of content more
stephentradify on July 26, 2017
Allow a new condition in lists/workflows that compares different properties. One example it can help with is to automatically find who is the primary contact for a company. You could do it in a workflow like this: IF Contact Email is equal to read more
104 Replies
February 13, 2018
I would like to use this to keep from updating a property if it isn't required. So, for a workflow in which I'm going to copy the value of Property more
annaishizeki on February 19, 2017
(Posted on behalf of a cutomer) It would be great to be able to use the property "HubSpot Score" in the workflow action to "Increment numeric contact property". The use case for this idea, is so that we can increment the HubSpot score ever read more
January 31, 2018
It's disheartening to see that this was posted a year ago and the access to the HubSpot Score property is still unavailable from a workflow. Is more
JonathanDC on July 21, 2017
It would be great if we had multi-language support for the email subscription pages. We should be able to tailor all of our pages to our clients' preferred language.
98 Replies
January 30, 2018
My org tackled this by putting a custom module on the subscription preferences page that detects the browser language and then replaces all the text more
JonathanDC on July 21, 2017
It would be great if we had multi-language support for the email subscription pages. We should be able to tailor all of our pages to our clients' preferred language.
98 Replies
January 30, 2018
My org tackled this by putting a custom module on the subscription preferences page that detects the browser language and then replaces all the text more
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