
Member since ‎Oct 6, 2017
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AndyPitre on April 04, 2017
When we have tasks that require collaboration, or even perhaps meetings to define job roles or other action items associated with those tasks, it would be nice to be able to export the tasks in single cut sheets, but also, it would be nice to expor read more
62 Replies
August 08, 2018
Still waiting on this feature. Even more important is to enable the Task Object to have the ability to do workflows and list creation!
AndyPitre on April 04, 2017
When we have tasks that require collaboration, or even perhaps meetings to define job roles or other action items associated with those tasks, it would be nice to be able to export the tasks in single cut sheets, but also, it would be nice to expor read more
62 Replies
August 08, 2018
Still waiting on this feature. Even more important is to enable the Task Object to have the ability to do workflows and list creation!
AndyPitre on April 04, 2017
When we have tasks that require collaboration, or even perhaps meetings to define job roles or other action items associated with those tasks, it would be nice to be able to export the tasks in single cut sheets, but also, it would be nice to expor read more
62 Replies
August 08, 2018
Still waiting on this feature. Even more important is to enable the Task Object to have the ability to do workflows and list creation!
annetempelmeier on October 18, 2017
It would be useful if there would be a better notification window for any new incoming chat messages that would stay open and in which the chat user can directly answer to the Chat message. The notification on the buttom right in the Browser read more
18 Replies
October 06, 2017
1. I eneabled all notifications. the sound notification and email help, but it would be great if a notification would pop up as a chat feature. more
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