
Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Elite Partner
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Marcus Zeal

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BJS on Dezember 03, 2019
I have found that a handful of clients over the years have had multiple Domains and ergo multiple accounts registered with hubspot. Inevidably, at some point, they want to two of them together and host one on a subdomain of the other. Migrating pa Beitrag ansehen
Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Elite Partner
Dezember 01, 2021
+1 Yes Please
MarcusZeal on September 21, 2018
I'm trying to create a module where all the html/wrapping I need is done directly in the module itself. How would I go about using the no_wrapper HUBL parameter to remove the wrap from a custom page module?
6 Antworten
Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Elite Partner
Oktober 06, 2021
A quick update on this since the way I do this today is very different from using javascript to strip the DOM. Looking back, it's a little funny just...Beitrag ansehen
MarcusZeal on August 24, 2021
How cool would it be if you could create a page layout in the DnD builder, then save that as a template. This functionality is already (mostly) in the Email builder side of things. I would love to be able to port that same functionality to t Beitrag ansehen
clnmcgrw on November 17, 2016
Hello, I have a COS/hubl related question - is there a way (outside of using a blog or managing page content in HubDB) to deal with landing or website pages in "collections" and be able to loop through them? There are situations where I'd rathe Beitrag ansehen
7 Antworten
Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Elite Partner
August 19, 2021
I'd also love a solution for this. OP describes a pretty common trend in the industry of a "Resources" section of sorts that loops through a bunch of...Beitrag ansehen
dannio on Oktober 29, 2020
So I've been testing the feasibility of me making a template purely from using a DnD area in a template and I've noticed 1 crucial thing: No responsiveness options Even without responsive options, adding an option to insert custom classes int Beitrag ansehen
45 Antworten
Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Elite Partner
März 08, 2021
Adding class support to dnd_sections, dnd_rows, and dnd_columns is a must-have feature for these. Not being able to target by user-defined classes an...Beitrag ansehen
MarcusZeal on September 21, 2018
I'm trying to create a module where all the html/wrapping I need is done directly in the module itself. How would I go about using the no_wrapper HUBL parameter to remove the wrap from a custom page module?
6 Antworten
Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Elite Partner
Oktober 06, 2021
A quick update on this since the way I do this today is very different from using javascript to strip the DOM. Looking back, it's a little funny just...Beitrag ansehen
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