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claudia arias

I am from Colombia, and I like to still learning about marketing, because is a awesome profession


JorieMunroe on Julho 11, 2021
Without forms, marketers would have a tough time obtaining information on potential customers and tracking data regarding purchases, customer feedback, new leads, and survey responses. In a highly digital world, it’s hard to think of a successful b Leia mais
160 avaliações positivas
519 Respostas
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Julho 29, 2024
Your content is awesome
JorieMunroe on Julho 11, 2021
We’re in a data-driven era, where datasets are shared between marketing, sales, and customer service teams to increase organizational effectiveness and facilitate alignment. When you have high levels of inconsistent data, it’s not just one team tak Leia mais
233 avaliações positivas
1813 Respostas
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Abril 16, 2024
I think that it´s necessary to clean your database each month, check the client´s information, delete incomplete or false information
kara_susvilla on Janeiro 06, 2022
The buyer’s journey is the active research process someone goes through leading up to a purchase. It’ll help you understand your audience’s challenges and goals, and provide guidance for brainstorming new content. Get started creating impactful co Leia mais
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Julho 19, 2022
Well, I think that the best way to engage with your clients is to create content that helps them to resolve their doubts and educate them about usin...Leia mais
kara_susvilla on Junho 09, 2021
Personalization is a tool you can use in your contextual marketing strategy to focus on an individual. You’ll be able to provide even more value to your users by communicating directly to them using their personal details. Keeping this in mind, how Leia mais
39 avaliações positivas
138 Respostas
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Junho 03, 2022
The best way to connect with your clients is although personalization because you feel them closer, help to get more clients, a good example of this ...Leia mais
kara_susvilla on Junho 09, 2021
A website with a good user experience helps its visitors accomplish their goals. Your website should be tailored to your visitors in order to attract them to your site and guide them to becoming customers. In your opinion, what's an example of a we Leia mais
45 avaliações positivas
170 Respostas
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Junho 03, 2022
Well, in my case my best positive user experience was with the company named profamilia, is a medical center for women, they provide information on t...Leia mais
JenWeiss on Maio 10, 2022
Whether you are obtaining your Undergrad, Graduate, Doctorate, or continuing your education with General Assembly, or a student of life one of the best ways how to utilize your certification is by sharing ideas with other students, just like you. Leia mais
14 avaliações positivas
66 Respostas
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Maio 27, 2022
Hello, my name is Claudia arias, I'm a marketing student I like this profession because I know I can to help people and companies improve their lifes...Leia mais
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