
Member since ‎Apr 19, 2021
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Carolyn Dunham-Wilkie

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Isaac_Brandon on November 28, 2023
We have a case where we want to report primarilary on deal and add filters based on the line items. Because we added in the line item object, when we click into the results it duplicates the deals based on the line items in the results. HubSpot does read more
January 30, 2024
YES! didn't realize this wasn't possible but is very limiting
Shadab_Khan on May 23, 2023
BLUF: A view that we can delete but cannot edit? As HubSpot super admins, we have access to all the resources and components built by us or others. However, we are unable to change or edit the views . We can only delete them, which doesn' read more
16 Replies
November 03, 2023
Couldn't agree more - seems like a universally frustrating limitation for superadmins
JimL on December 02, 2021
Would be nice for Super Admins to be able to edit and save any existing view, regardless of the owner/creator. You can only edit the views that are "Created by me". For example if one Super Admin creates a "default" view for users, and it needs read more
November 03, 2023
Yes yes yes! This is much needed
Ellesyanna on April 25, 2022
Currently I'm running into the issue that i cannot delete an old property, when they are still being used in a view. As a superadmin, I'd like to have the possibility to overrule this and delete this anyway. Because I'm not able to edit the vi read more
November 03, 2023
Yes, this is very frustrating for us as well!
hellowinter on October 05, 2020
Hi, Hope everyone is staying safe and well. It would be advised that the product team adds a feature to the Products Library that allows for folders within folders. This will make it easier for us to sort our products more specifically and have read more
23 Replies
October 30, 2023
Don't think this beta really applies here when the beta removes ALL folders instead of adding subfolders...
cpappas_auxin on January 03, 2018
I am importing a CSV file with contacts that have multiple email addresses. Hubspot supports multiple email addresses in the "Email" field, which is wonderful, but the data cannot be imported this way. To import, I had to create multiple email pro read more
120 Replies
September 27, 2023
This is currently a very tedious and time consuming process for us as well
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