
Member since ‎Apr 15, 2021
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Peter Perugini

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Astroboy on September 25, 2024
We have a HubSpot popup CTA that we want to show to customers in our website's private portal, but only to a segmented list of contacts. The HubSpot tracking code is in our portal and I have confirmed that we can serve the CTA to generic users in ou read more
September 27, 2024
Thank you @Teun . I will pass this on to our Developer team. Kind regards
Astroboy on September 25, 2024
We have a HubSpot popup CTA that we want to show to customers in our website's private portal, but only to a segmented list of contacts. The HubSpot tracking code is in our portal and I have confirmed that we can serve the CTA to generic users in ou read more
September 27, 2024
Thank you @Teun . I will pass this on to our Developer team. Kind regards
Astroboy on May 02, 2024
We have a campaign running and our main CTA is for the user to book a Meeting via an embedded Meeting calendar on the landing page. There seems to be no way to have a successful meeting creation report into our HubSpot campaign.
0 Reply
Astroboy on March 14, 2024
I have Deal pipelines that are dealing with very custom Deal types. In the Deal pipeline List View I want to be able to show different property columns for each pipeline, however changing it for one pipeline changes it for ALL pipelines. Please read more
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NCO on April 22, 2020
Right now, when viewing your deal pipeline in Kanban, it seems that only Amount and Close Date are populated (and only if there is data in those properties) and there is no way to customize which properties are visible by default. It would read more
3 Replies
March 14, 2024
Yes, this functionality would be great! If HubSpot could mimic how Notion can apply different properties to a card that would be great.
MarianaG on September 09, 2021
it would be great to be able to add logic to survey questions in Hubspot. Creating a custom survey is great but we should be able to include conditional fields
135 Replies
May 24, 2023
We are just diving into the HubSpot surveys and this is essential functionality. Any survey platform I've used in the past has had this feature. more
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