
Member since ‎Apr 14, 2021
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wanda cardenes

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laurenleulu on August 01, 2018
Wouldn't it be great for marketers to be able to schedule threaded Tweets from HubSpot? Often, I'm given insightful posts from our SMEs that are too long for Twitter's character limit, but they have so much great information, I don't want to take an read more
December 07, 2021
Any news on this @hubspot ?
WarrenE on May 28, 2017
We have a site in different languages. The HubSpot COS double opt-in configuration (found in COS -> Content -> Content Settings -> Email -> Double Opt-in) is only supported in one language . Would be great if this was availabl read more
107 Replies
November 23, 2021
Is there any update on this request from 2017! We really need this language functionality as soon as possible, please. Thanks Wanda
Bean on October 25, 2019
It would be great to be able to minimise or hide the sidebar in Outlook for Desktop on an ad-hoc basis. Currently, the only way to hide it is to also disable GDPR settings centrally. This would be especially helpful as many users on dual-screen set read more
April 14, 2021
Completely agree!
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