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Lori Zeppuhar

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ederese on März 09, 2023
We have created a registration form for an upcoming event. Deadline for final registrations is on a certain date but there is no way to 'close' the form after the due date. The only way is to remove the form but by doing that you also remove the fu Beitrag ansehen
11 Antworten
August 17, 2023
I agree, this would be very helpful. Thank you for sharing your workaround acorestpete!
PhocosJP on Juli 25, 2017
Hello, I think it would be a great if youc ould allow users to attach files to tasks during task creation. Often times, tasks are created for task owners to review documents that it would be very convenient to have attached to the task when the Beitrag ansehen
39 Antworten
Mai 12, 2021
I agree with everyone here. We just started usign HubSpot and we are using tasks for internal and tickets for external. There are many occasions wher...Beitrag ansehen
JoJohanna on Juni 02, 2020
It would be very helpful to be able to analyze the use and the response rate to Snippets (that contain a link for example).
46 Antworten
April 13, 2021
We would like to be able to report on Snippets. We plan to create them so we can use them in logging our interactions with our constituents. Being ab...Beitrag ansehen
brnhubsupport on April 13, 2021
I would love for it to be possible to make the default Contact Owner "No Owner" when creating a record. When creating a record it currently defaults to whoever is creating the record and we change it to "No Owner." However, it would be helpful if I Beitrag ansehen
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