
Member since ‎Apr 12, 2021
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Adriano Gritti

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AdrianoGritti on April 11, 2022
I used to have reports that contain a list of url links. I created in Hubspot the same type of report. It is a table with some columns and in two columns I present a list of url links. The problem is that the link is not clickable and neither poss read more
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AdrianoGritti on June 17, 2021
Hello Team! Is there a way to embed one of my HS reports to an external website? I would like to share it with a different audience that doesn't have access to HS. Thanks
6 Replies
June 21, 2021
Hi Karsten, Thanks for the reply. What if we create a landing page in Hubspot? It would be able to show the reports in this webpage? Thanks
AdrianoGritti on June 17, 2021
Hello Team! Is there a way to embed one of my HS reports to an external website? I would like to share it with a different audience that doesn't have access to HS. Thanks
6 Replies
June 21, 2021
Hi Karsten, Thanks for the reply. What if we create a landing page in Hubspot? It would be able to show the reports in this webpage? Thanks
AdrianoGritti on June 14, 2021
Hello All, I need to create a ticket to one of my pipelines every time a Deal has a specific Lien Item. Can anyone help me with that?
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2 Replies
June 15, 2021
That's fantastic!!! Thanks a lot, Karsten! I already implemented it.
AdrianoGritti on June 14, 2021
Hello All, I need to create a ticket to one of my pipelines every time a Deal has a specific Lien Item. Can anyone help me with that?
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2 Replies
June 15, 2021
That's fantastic!!! Thanks a lot, Karsten! I already implemented it.
bcook on September 26, 2018
It would be great if there was a way to create a Product Group that consists of multiple other products. So if you have a group of products that typically is sold together but could also be separate, the group would add in all of products in at once read more
91 Replies
April 12, 2021
This feature is essential for us. We sell packages that contain products and services (each service and product is a "product" in the product list more
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