What is the best way to track the time on page of a specific contact watching a webinar? Our webinar platform (Vimeo) is embedded into a page that sits behind a landing page - so registered contacts have to add their email address to access the 続きを読む
How should I create a QR code to be scanned by the HubSpot Mobile App that will import vCard data into the CRM? Is there a standard for doing this? Is there a HubSpot support article for how to structure the data? I've only used QR codes for 続きを読む
Hi What does the LinkedIn integration on the HubSpot MarketPlace offer beyond the native HubSpot social tools? I have added my and my companies social accounts, including LinkedIn using the normal HubSpot social tools. Can anyone enligh 続きを読む
How should I create a QR code to be scanned by the HubSpot Mobile App that will import vCard data into the CRM? Is there a standard for doing this? Is there a HubSpot support article for how to structure the data? I've only used QR codes for 続きを読む
Hey folks, really interested in the Beta of the Marketing Events - looks like a really powerful tool. Is it currently possible to build a Dashboard report alongside the data here? Would love to implement a way of showing how many people are register 続きを読む
Hi @MAC-MCB Do you know where the time in session data is recorded in HubSpot? Is it on the contact objecrt, Or is it unique to the Zoom integrat...続きを読む
I was just scrolling through hackernews today and found passkeys. A passkey is a new way to sign in that works completely without passwords. By using the security capabilities of your devices like Touch ID and Face ID, passkeys are way more secure a 続きを読む
This should be implemented soon, I would have thought. Amazon, LinkedIn, Google, Microsoft, Apple etc all offer passkeys. You can see a full list...続きを読む
What is the best way to track the time on page of a specific contact watching a webinar? Our webinar platform (Vimeo) is embedded into a page that sits behind a landing page - so registered contacts have to add their email address to access the 続きを読む
Hi What does the LinkedIn integration on the HubSpot MarketPlace offer beyond the native HubSpot social tools? I have added my and my companies social accounts, including LinkedIn using the normal HubSpot social tools. Can anyone enligh 続きを読む
How should I create a QR code to be scanned by the HubSpot Mobile App that will import vCard data into the CRM? Is there a standard for doing this? Is there a HubSpot support article for how to structure the data? I've only used QR codes for 続きを読む
Having tried webinars last year, we are running many more this year in order to generate leads and fill pipeline. Last year we used HubSpot to manage registrations and then Google Meet to run the event. It was clunky, but mostly it worked well. 続きを読む
Thank you for this - yes, it would be nice to be able to measure in depth analytics, but for now it would be an upgrade to have information on those ...続きを読む
I just wanted to check that this means they viewed the media, but they didn't finish. The doubting inner voice in my head is worried that it might also mean any condition where a media event did not take place! Cheers
Morning If I select all of a page or tab in a list I can use the list menu to "add to static list". If you do this on the last tab of the list view, then you cannot - the option is greyed out. This seems inconsistent and, maybe a bug? I hyp 続きを読む
A place for social media professionals to share ideas, learn, network, and be inspired.
(function($) {
//selectors for hover card triggers
var allHoverCardTriggers = '.author-name-link,.friend-list .friend a,.username a,.avatar,.user-avatar,.author-img, .authors a, .messageauthorusername a, a.lia-user-name-link, .js-latest-post-by-from a, .user-online-list li a, a.UserAvatar, .customUsersOnline a, #authors a,.dashboard-followers a.user-name, .dashboard-following a.user-name,.author-login-wrapper a, .hb-leaderboard a, .author-img-floated';
// Forward calling page's URL params to endpoint URL as well, helps with testing!
var params = (new URL(location.href)).searchParams;
var userApiUrl = '/plugins/custom/hubspot/hubspot/hovercardendpoint?' + ((params.set('user_id', '') == []._) && params.toString());
var cardWrapper = $('.hover-card-container');
var error = false;
var thisUserID = '';
var thisUserLogin = '';
var userLink ='';
var cardTimer;
var leaveTimer;
function mouseenter(Elem) {
var thisEl = Elem;
cardTimer = setTimeout(function(){
var docWidth = $(document).width();
var rightSide = false;
var userLink = thisEl.attr('href');
if($('.ViewProfilePage').length && $('img.lia-user-avatar-profile',thisEl).length){thisUserID = '1813';}
else if(thisEl.attr('href')=='#' || thisEl.attr('href')=='' || !userLink.match('viewprofilepage')){
return false;}
var thisLen = (userLink).split('/');
thisUserID = (thisLen)[thisLen.length-1];
var thisCard = $('.profileCard[data-user='+thisUserID+']',cardWrapper);
var cardId = 'userProfileCard-'+ thisUserID;
var addAttr = thisEl.attr('aria-describedby',cardId);
var thisElTopOffset = Math.round(thisEl.offset().top+(thisEl.height()/2)+30);
var thisElbottomoffset = "auto";
var className = "";
var winHeight = $(window).height();
var elOffset = thisEl.offset();
var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
var elementOffset = thisEl.offset().top;
var distanceTop = (elementOffset - scrollTop);
var distanceBottom = (winHeight + scrollTop) - (elOffset.top + thisEl.outerHeight(true));
var distanceLeft = Math.round(thisEl.offset().left);
var bodyHight = $('body').height();
var topParam = '';
var bottomparam = '';
var position = '';
var className = 'topArrow';
if(distanceBottom < 300 ){
if(distanceLeft < 59){
var className = 'leftArrow';
var distanceLeft = (distanceLeft)+(39);
var thisElTopOffset = (thisElTopOffset)-(150);
var thisElTopOffset = (thisElTopOffset)-(301); var className = 'bottomArrow'; thisCard.removeClass('topArrow');
var distanceLeft = (distanceLeft)-(45);
if(distanceLeft < 59){
var className = 'leftArrow';
var distanceLeft = (distanceLeft)+(39);
var thisElTopOffset = (thisElTopOffset)-(150);
var distanceLeft = (distanceLeft)-(45);
if(thisCard.length && $('.profileCard[data-user='+thisUserID+'] .preloader',cardWrapper).length<1){
} else {
var ajaxReturn = '';
//just in case
//hover card wrapper markup
var rightArrowClass = rightSide?'rightArrow':'';
if(thisElTopOffset != "auto"){
topParam = 'px';
if(thisElbottomoffset != "auto"){
bottomparam = 'px';
var profileCardHtml = '';
//get the background
type: 'GET',
url: userApiUrl+thisUserID,
dataType: 'html',
success: function(data) {
ajaxReturn = data;
if($('.profileCard[data-user='+thisUserID+'] .preloader',cardWrapper).length){
$('.profileCard[data-user='+thisUserID+'] .preloader',cardWrapper).parents('div.profileCard').remove();
//uh oh - bail out!
}, 360);
function mouseleave(e) {
// glowingblue: When the user leaves the hovercard trigger, wait because the leaving could be
// to interact with the hovercard, if we don't wait it will just disappear...because
// we left the trigger, right...so we'll have another handler that check if the mouse is
// over the hovercard and if so clears this timer, so the card doesn't close here
leaveTimer = setTimeout(function() {
if ($('.profileCard[data-user="'+thisUserID+'"]',cardWrapper).length) {
} else {
}, 2400);
$(document).on("mouseenter focusin", allHoverCardTriggers, function(event) {
if(!($(this).parents().hasClass('custom-header'))&& !($(this).parents().hasClass('green-wrap'))){
(leaveTimer !== []._) && clearTimeout(leaveTimer);
$(document).on("mouseleave focusout", allHoverCardTriggers, function(event) {
(leaveTimer !== []._) && clearTimeout(leaveTimer);
// glowingblue: Add handlers for when the users interacts with the hovercard, no closing!
$('.hover-card-container').on('mouseenter', function(e) {
(leaveTimer !== []._) && clearTimeout(leaveTimer);
$('.hover-card-container').on('mouseleave', function(e) {
(leaveTimer !== []._) && clearTimeout(leaveTimer);
if ( $(e.target).is('.profileCard[style*="block"]') ) {
leaveTimer = setTimeout(function() {
}, 2400);
// glowingblue: add one global root level click handler to also close any visible hovercards
// if the user taps/clicks outside the hovercard
$(document).on('mousedown', function(e) {
if ( !$(e.target).parents('.hover-card-container').length ) {
(leaveTimer != []._) && clearTimeout(leaveTimer);
$('.hover-card-container .profileCard[style*="block"]').each(function() {
(function($) {
var originalElementId;
function setCookie(cname,cvalue,exdays) {
var d = new Date();
d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays*24*60*60*1000));
var expires = "expires=" + d.toGMTString();
document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + ";" + expires + ";path=/";
function getCookie(cname) {
var name = cname + "=";
var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie);
var ca = decodedCookie.split(';');
for(var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') {
c = c.substring(1);
if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) {
return c.substring(name.length, c.length);
return "";
function errorDisplay(errType) {
var errAuth = '