
Member since ‎Apr 9, 2021
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Paige Leslie

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CDanielson on August 03, 2017
It looks like once you adjust your columns in a list, they update the columns for all lists. It would really be helpful if we could change the columns for each list (or set a default) with the flexibility to change ad hoc.
99 Replies
September 07, 2021
Just commenting to emphasise the need for this functionality!
paigeleslie on June 28, 2021
Hello! We offer one-to-one tutoring where about half our customers are under 18s and have a parent who pays for their lessons. We've decided to connect these Family units as Companies, so the company is for example Arnold Family, with two contacts c read more
asmeal12 on October 17, 2018
[7/7/2022 Update] Since this post has continued to receive upvotes and comments, I wanted to take a moment to update my original post to clarify this is now live for Enterprise users . Learn More: read more
87 Replies
June 25, 2021
This would be incredible helpful for us. We've got quite a large team that doesn't need to receive all of the default notifications, and it's more
krispag on August 06, 2019
It is inconceivable to me that super admins cannot edit user first and last names on the user administration screen. Users often use all lower or all upper case characters, or they make typos. Rather than having to reach out to walk them through edi read more
18 Replies
June 25, 2021
This is an entirely necessary function. Please consider adding the permission to change other users' names to Super Admins.
SteveJenns on March 06, 2017
I would like to set up field dependencies for Contact Properties, to ensure that my Sales/Marketing team are updating contact details correctly. For example, I would only want certain fields to be editable against a contact record if anoth read more
317 Replies
June 24, 2021
This would be absolutely invaluable to us in avoiding errors and ensuring we gather the right information. I'm surprised this isn't in planning.
paigeleslie on June 10, 2021
I'm looking to import our tickets from our old CRM to HubSpot. We've been having both a Subject line for our tickets which makes sense to map to the Ticket Description, and we also have a Notes field to provide more background & information. I s read more
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