
Member since ‎Apr 7, 2021
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Andrea Carlaw

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ACarlaw on June 12, 2022
Our team is heavily using the tasks feature, but we have created views to split our work into 'types' (e.g. internal work, customer follow ups etc). These suit our needs, and I would love to hide the default task views such as 'today' and 'overdue read more
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azalaquett on October 09, 2020
Ok, HubSpot! You've done it for your Gmail users - and your Outlook users would greatly appreciate some love. Please create the ability when sending an email via an Outlook connected Sales inbox to CHOOSE which Deals the email gets associated to. read more
July 04, 2021
@Flora is there a way to do this for calendar appointments? I've fixed the settings that auto associate emails to all related deals for that more
barthoubn on May 15, 2019
We have set up integration of Hubspot CRM with Gmail. If one of my colleagues emails a contact, this email is automatically associated with the last X open deals where this contact is connected to. For us this does not make sense at all. Let read more
86 Replies
July 04, 2021
@Scollinsdesacc do you know if there's a way to prevent calendar appointments from auto associating to deals? The settings in the add in prevent more
whatthej on August 21, 2020
I'm using the Outlook Hubspot Sales Add-in on Outlook 2019 MSO 16.0 64 bit on a Win10 environment. Whenever I open a tracked e-mail in my sent items, it registers as an e-mail open in Hubspot. I understand this is not meant to happen as my IP is sup read more
April 22, 2021
I don't think we can use that one as it doesn't seem to have the ability to tag the email against a deal at the time of sending. Bummer 😞
whatthej on August 21, 2020
I'm using the Outlook Hubspot Sales Add-in on Outlook 2019 MSO 16.0 64 bit on a Win10 environment. Whenever I open a tracked e-mail in my sent items, it registers as an e-mail open in Hubspot. I understand this is not meant to happen as my IP is sup read more
April 22, 2021
I don't think we can use that one as it doesn't seem to have the ability to tag the email against a deal at the time of sending. Bummer 😞
agnsob on September 10, 2018
I was trying to build a new deal-centered workflow. Whenever the deal is moved to closed lost / won , we want to send an internal notification to the commercial team members. Currently, it is only possible to send an external marketing email. read more
20 Replies
April 07, 2021
Just jumping in as it's been another ~6 months and it seems like a very valid request - did anyone work out how to get company information into a more
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