
Member | Elite Partner
Member since ‎Apr 5, 2021
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Kristen Travison

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Member | Elite Partner
November 15, 2021
Similar to this, when creating reports for comparison purposes it would be great if you could set a certain segment to consistently be the same more
Member | Elite Partner
October 14, 2021
I agree with this -- the description is difficult to find. It also should be on more workflows than just Contact-based workflows. If I create a more
Member | Elite Partner
September 23, 2021
I agree this seems like a fairly simple/very useful functionality. For example, I'm trying to clean up the property names that we have listed for a more
Member | Elite Partner
July 20, 2021
This should absolutely be a setting that can be adjusted at the company level depending on sales cycle length. It's very tedious for the sales team more
Member | Elite Partner
July 01, 2021
This should definitely be moved to a higher priority in the update queue given a. how many people have been requesting it, and b. the fact that your more
Member | Elite Partner
April 16, 2021
I agree that building funnel reports and conversion data off of more than just the lifecycle stages is crucial. Especially for Enterprises with long more
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