
Member since ‎Apr 2, 2021
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Marianne Chinan

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MObry on August 29, 2023
Hi there, I would like to know if somebody have found an alternative to make apears 2 different VAT on a single quote ? Thanks in advance. Just for you to see here is a part of my code to make apear the VAT : <tbody id="line-ite read more
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samara1 on May 11, 2022
It would be perfect the option to hide some properties from some users. We need to do this kind of configuration in almost all customers we have. Just blocking the edit does not prevent users from seeing the information in the properties, which is read more
September 28, 2022
This is absolutely necessary. I vote for it !
PamelaSoh on September 18, 2018
"Activity type" workflow condition is fairly new and it doesn't allow for re-enrollment trigger. There are many instances whereby users want to track sales emails being sent to contacts and to reenroll contacts into the workflow to create tasks read more
58 Replies
November 29, 2021
It would be amazing !!!!!!
romi on August 27, 2020
The styling on Playbooks makes Playbooks very hard to read and really messes with the usability of this tool. It would be great if you had more control over the fonts and font sizes, etc. But at a minimum please make the size of the fonts re read more
20 Replies
April 02, 2021
"But at a minimum please make the size of the fonts relevant to the hierarchy of information so it is more readable and easier to use." That is so more
Monjogard on February 02, 2021
Would be very useful with some smartness to questions in Playbooks (similar to dependent fields in HubSpot forms), e.g. ff answer is X on question 1, show question 1B, otherwise move on to question 2. A Playbook can become quite tedious for a read more
60 Replies
April 02, 2021
That would be so helpfull !!!!! We need it it would be so time saver !
cduffy on January 02, 2020
When a rep is using a playbook, we would love to be able to drop personalization tokens into that playbook that show form submission answers right in the playbook itself. Right now they have to look through the contact record to the form submi read more
26 Replies
April 02, 2021
I fully agree we need it asap 😉
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