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chuckchoi on Mai 17, 2019
Posting this on behalf of my customer! As my customer and I were discussing, we were thinking that it would be helpful to have some kind of workflow pause action. Similar to delay action which holds the objects at the delay step until set time, it'd Beitrag ansehen
28 Antworten
Februar 14, 2018
I would like the workflow to pause until some trigger is met in an if/then branch. The if/then branch would be great if there was some way to...Beitrag ansehen
andyhampshire on August 22, 2017
We need the ability to grant users access to multiple teams so when they are creating deals, companies or contacts they can specify which team they are doing this for. This will allow our support staff to support multiple individuals in a way th Beitrag ansehen
151 Antworten
Dezember 18, 2017
Yes, the one to one relationship is to limiting for those of us to need to organization the teams concept provides, but need to wear multiple hats a...Beitrag ansehen
WarrenE on Juni 23, 2017
HubSpot allows creating of multiple languages for the homepage, but in order for a user to see the homepage in their own language (based on their browser localle) they need to manually change to their own language via the "language switcher" Beitrag ansehen
Dezember 12, 2017
+1, we thought this was already a capability of the HS platform when we signed on for some reason. Huge let down and I think we might have chosen to ...Beitrag ansehen
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