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Dan Cowan

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hellowinter on Oktober 05, 2020
Hi, Hope everyone is staying safe and well. It would be advised that the product team adds a feature to the Products Library that allows for folders within folders. This will make it easier for us to sort our products more specifically and have Beitrag ansehen
23 Antworten
Juli 25, 2023
Not just Product folders but all folder functions within HubSpot. Not being able to organize workflows, emails, lists, forms, etc into sub folders is...Beitrag ansehen
caroline_at_hv on Mai 17, 2017
Looking to create a report using the create date of a property or date the property is changed, which can be found in the history of the property, as one of the metrics for the report. A report that will give me the number of deals that were Beitrag ansehen
Mai 24, 2023
A very important usecase for my company is we use a priority property that we use for forecasting deals. We would love to know how many deals were mo...Beitrag ansehen
DCowan on Juni 23, 2022
Hi HubSpot, I'm confused that I can make a workflow to create notifications of Deals that have a close date that is past or before another date property I have created but can't make a report to show all deals that fit the same attributes. I Beitrag ansehen
DCowan on Juni 02, 2022
We have replaced the Country/Region default property with a Country List property so that it more accurately reports on regional sales efforts. Dealing with misspellings and acornyms makes this one of my least favorite default properties. Having Beitrag ansehen
1 Antwort
maximelexstart on September 21, 2018
Hey there! For us to be able to create forms that use Deal Properties would be amazing. Is that something easily feasible? Thank you.
192 Antworten
April 08, 2022
I'm curious if we can't put Deal properties into Forms it would also work if I could at least map properties from the contact to the deal they are at...Beitrag ansehen
DCowan on Januar 20, 2022
Hi, Because my companies products are complex involving many engineering drawings and multiple iterations it would be amazing to know the date an attachment was added to a contact,company,etc. This would let us know in a quick glance at the atta Beitrag ansehen
1 Antwort
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