
Member since ‎Apr 1, 2021
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Mark Weinerts

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taylorfriss on June 21, 2017
Contacts are double booking without canceling their previous meeting! It would be great if they got a HubSpot confirmation email with a reschedule button on it, or if the Contact already has a meeting book, the Meetings page recognizes it and presen read more
136 Replies
April 16, 2021
Rescheduling is a must have feature for meetings - customers do not show up or double their meetings and all got messy
rbrown on January 22, 2017
Hello All im using the 15min of free calls - but after making like 4 calls for 10-20 seconds each - the systen is now reporting i haved used 9 mins. is this normal ? in Australia - 1 minute is 60 seconds.. maybe in the USA you work on read more
1 upvote
9 Replies
April 13, 2021
Maybe you are using "Call from phone": "when using the Call from phone option, two calls are made: one to the first phone to set up the recording, more
tonygoodchild on October 19, 2018
I have been using the CRM extension API to add some information cards to Companies with no problems. However I know want to include an image in the card. I can see the LinkedIn integration uses an iframe to load up data into the card area. Is there read more
16 Replies
April 01, 2021
Yes, this would be a great functionality in HubSpot! Hopefully HubSpot will listen to their community, this issue is open already quite a while 😞 more
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