
Contributor | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Sep 26, 2017
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Lauren Lokker

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mnmvested on September 07, 2017
It's just the free account and I assume that matters but: I installed the tracking code on my Wix website, created a 3 step lead flow and added collected forms. 40 days later I still have an empty dashboard. Now what?
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16 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
July 04, 2018
@ActusBarbara Yes, it's definitely working on our paid Wix site - we're using the free HubSpot marketing and sales CRM and we've integrated more
mnmvested on September 07, 2017
It's just the free account and I assume that matters but: I installed the tracking code on my Wix website, created a 3 step lead flow and added collected forms. 40 days later I still have an empty dashboard. Now what?
0 upvote
16 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
July 04, 2018
@ActusBarbara Yes, it's definitely working on our paid Wix site - we're using the free HubSpot marketing and sales CRM and we've integrated more
dennisdmenace on January 10, 2018
Hi dears, may you please be so kind suggesting a link that may lead me to comprehensive digital marketing course. Thank you very much.
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6 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
February 12, 2018
@dennisdmenace I did the Shaw Academy Advanced Diploma in Digital Marketing. It's an online correspondence course and I found it really helpful. more
LaurenLokker on December 20, 2017
Hi there, Is it possible for me to edit the template/layout of the blog author bio pages? Currently they look like this: I'd like to move the image, add padding and include social media buttons and contact information - but read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
December 21, 2017
Thanks so much!
LaurenLokker on December 20, 2017
Hi there, Is it possible for me to edit the template/layout of the blog author bio pages? Currently they look like this: I'd like to move the image, add padding and include social media buttons and contact information - but read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
December 21, 2017
Thanks so much!
LaurenLokker on November 16, 2017
Hi there, I just discovered that I can make my content offers downloadable straight from Facebook, with a form in my Facebook ad. Does anyone know if this is compatible with HubSpot? Am I able to still track the form engagement through read more
1 upvote
4 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
November 23, 2017
@hamish we're not currently doing any paid social on Facebook. Can we only use this feature if we start doing paid social, and if so, what sort of more
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